Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Health Tips for September 9

Health Tip: Common Triggers for Allergy and Asthma

Allergy and asthma symptoms can be caused by a variety of factors, both indoors and outdoors.

The American Lung Association offers this list of common "triggers" that can set off a reaction in the lungs and elsewhere in the body:

* Breathing cold air.
* Exposure to smoke, from tobacco products and wood-burning fires.
* Exposure to chemicals with strong odors or fumes, such as hairspray, perfume or paint.
* Allergens, such as dust mites, pollen, animal dander, molds and pollution.
* Respiratory illnesses, such as a cold or the flu.

Other factors may spur your symptoms, and your doctor may suggest keeping an asthma diary to help pinpoint which triggers affect you.

Health Tip: Healing After a C-Section

As you begin recovery from delivering a child by Caesarean section, you should avoid certain activities to give your body time to heal.

Here are suggestions on what to avoid in the short term, courtesy of the American Pregnancy Association:

* Having sex -- at least until your doctor tells you that it's medically safe.
* Using tampons or douching.
* Taking a bath, until your incision has healed.
* Using a public pool or hot tub.
* Lifting any heavy object -- nothing heavier than your baby.
* Exercising and strenuous activity (until your doctor tells you it's safe), including heavy housework and frequently climbing a lot of stairs.

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