Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Health Tips for September 17

Health Tip: Taking an NSAID

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are pain relievers, many of which are available without a doctor's prescription. They include aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen.

While NSAIDs are safe for most people in recommended doses, the American Academy of Family Physicians says the following people shouldn't take these drugs unless they've consulted a doctor first:

* Anyone who takes a blood-thinning medication.
* Anyone with bleeding in the stomach, intestines or any type of bleeding disorder.
* Anyone who has stomach ulcers.
* Anyone who has liver or kidney disease.
* Anyone who consumes three or more alcoholic drinks per day.

Health Tip: Help Prevent a Herniated Disk

A herniated (sometimes called "ruptured") disk in the back or neck can cause severe pain and numbness.

Disks are the soft, rubbery pads found between the spine's vertebrae. When stressed or overused from wear-and-tear, the center of the disk can push through its outer edge, putting pressure on nearby sensitive nerves.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons lists these common risk factors for herniated disks:

* Lifting objects the wrong way.
* Smoking.
* Being overweight, which causes stress on the spine.
* Applying sudden pressure, even slight, on the spine.
* Engaging in repetitive strenuous activities.

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