Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Health Tips for September 2

Health Tip: Help Prevent a Herniated Disk

A herniated (sometimes called "ruptured") disk in the back or neck can cause severe pain and numbness.

Disks are the soft, rubbery pads found between the spine's vertebrae. When stressed or overused from wear-and-tear, the center of the disk can push through its outer edge, putting pressure on nearby sensitive nerves.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons lists these common risk factors for herniated disks:

* Lifting objects the wrong way.
* Smoking.
* Being overweight, which causes stress on the spine.
* Applying sudden pressure, even slight, on the spine.
* Engaging in repetitive strenuous activities.

Health Tip: Prevent Dry Skin

Skin requires frequent preventive care to ward off conditions such as dermatitis (sometimes called eczema).

Here are suggestions on how to prevent dry skin, courtesy of the Cleveland Clinic:

* Don't take baths or showers that are too hot. Keep the water lukewarm.
* Take short baths or showers of only five to 10 minutes.
* As soon as you get out of the shower or finish washing your hands, apply a skin moisturizer.
* Use soaps that are moisturizing.
* During winter months, try a heavier cream or moisturizer to protect skin. You can use a light lotion in the hot summer months.

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