Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Health Tips for September 16

Health Tip: Keep Stress at Bay

Some stress is unavoidable, but there are things you can do to prevent stress from taking over your life and making health problems worse.

The Cleveland Clinic offers these suggestions:

* Stick to a healthy diet, get plenty of exercise, avoid smoking and limit the amount of alcohol you drink.
* Don't allow others to make demands or set expectations for you. Say no, and don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.
* Take time every day just to relax.
* Set realistic goals and expectations for yourself, but understand that you can't control everything.
* Figure out what causes you stress in your life. Eliminate what you can, and learn how to manage other sources of stress.
* Remind yourself of what you do well and successes that you've had.

Health Tip: Helping a Loved One Heal

When a loved one is recovering from a major illness, he or she may need a lot of help and support.

The American Heart Association offers these suggestions:

* Offer plenty of support and encouragement, and look for support groups for both of you to join.
* Go along for doctor appointments. Ask questions and take notes, in case there are questions later.
* Give an honest report to the doctor about how your loved one is feeling, and how well he or she is following instructions.
* Help track and record information, such as when and how to take medicines, which foods to avoid, and which forms of exercise are safe.
* Offer to make healthy changes together. If your loved has to stop smoking, start exercising or change diet, make the same changes yourself.

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