Monday, September 29, 2008

Health Tips for September 29

Health Tip: Prevent Ear Pain in Flight

If you are taking a plane trip with your child, there are steps you can take to ease the child's pain and discomfort from air pressure changes.

The Nemours Foundation offers this advice:

* Make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids during the flight. Water is best, but make sure the drink doesn't have caffeine.
* If the child usually has ear pain associated with plane travel, give the child a pediatric dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen about a half an hour before takeoff and landing.
* If at least 3 years old, let your child suck on hard candy or chew gum.
* Bring a bottle or pacifier along, or plan to breast-feed during the trip.
* Encourage your child to yawn frequently.
* Have the child use a nasal decongestant spray before takeoff and landing.
* Don't allow napping during takeoff and landing, as it's more difficult to keep the middle ear equalized during sleep.

Health Tip: Prevent Jet Lag

Jet lag can dampen the fun of any trip when your body struggles to adjust to a new time zone.

The American Academy of Family Physicians offers these suggestions to prevent jet lag:

* Start your trip well-rested. Make sure you get plenty of sleep before your trip.
* Avoid alcohol and overeating.
* Eat healthy meals.
* Get as much exercise as possible.
* Avoid sleep medications. If you use them, don't take them for more than a few days.
* Follow the schedule of the time zone you are in. Eat meals and go to bed when the locals do.

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