Sunday, July 08, 2007

Health Tips for July 8

Food Fact:
Outsmart the menu.

It's possible to eat out and still keep a healthy diet -- if you master a few key strategies. Start by getting the food you want in the amounts you need. If restaurants insist on serving gigantic portions, take advantage of appetizers, soups, salads, a la carte items and side dishes. Split oversized menu items with a dining partner. When eating in a group, order one or two fewer dishes than the number of people at the table, and eat family style.

Fitness Tip of the day:
Highway to health.

Wellness doesn't have to be expensive -- walking is an economical first step. It's easy, too. What better way to make exercise feel less like a chore and more a part of daily life? Some of the benefits of daily walks include reducing your risk of developing high blood pressure, lowering existing high blood pressure, lowering your risk of developing colon cancer, and reducing your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

FAQ of the day:
What causes heart attacks?

Usually, a cholesterol-laden plaque becomes unstable and bursts, causing clots that block blood flow completely, starving the heart muscle. Today, medical personnel can treat clots en route to the hospital with enzymes that chew them up, restoring blood flow in the blocked arteries. Cholesterol-lowering drugs make plaques more stable and less likely to burst. Better yet, a diet rich in whole foods and low in red meat keeps your blood cholesterol levels low, helps prevent clots, maintains healthy blood pressure, assists in weight control, and reduces the risk of diseases such as diabetes and certain cancers to boot.

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