Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Health Tips for July 3

Health Tip: Picnic Precautions

Picnickers are prone to leaving food unrefrigerated for long periods, preparing some dishes well in advance, and having food handled by several people -- all of which can lead to growth and spread of harmful bacteria.

Here are suggestions to keep your summer picnic healthy, courtesy of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension:

* Anyone who will be handling or preparing food, containers or utensils should thoroughly wash their hands before doing so.
* Don't prepare foods more than one day in advance, unless the food will be frozen.
* Keep cut melons and mayonnaise-based foods, like potato salad, refrigerated or on ice.
* Keep hot foods hot -- don't allow them to cool to room temperature.
* Throw away leftovers that have been sitting out for more than an hour.

Health Tip: Driving in the Rain

Slick roadways are a prime contributor to car accidents. But practicing safe driving techniques while it's raining or snowing can help lessen your chances of ending up in a fender bender.

The National Safety Council offers these suggestions:

* Drive slowly and cautiously, especially on curves.
* Leave plenty of space between you and other cars.
* When you need to stop or slow down, brake slowly and gently -- never slam on the brakes.
* If your car starts to skid, slowly take your foot off the gas and turn in the direction you want the front of the car to go.
* Stay away from puddles, and try to travel in the same part of the road as cars before you.

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