Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Health Tips for July 24

Health Tip: Feeling Forgetful?

If you sometimes have problems remembering things, try following these tips from the American Academy of Family Physicians:

* Keep lists of things you need to remember, a detailed calendar, and follow a regular daily routine.
* Make connections in your mind to help you remember -- like associating places with certain landmarks.
* Keep objects you use regularly -- like your keys -- in the same place each time.
* When trying to remember the name of a person you just met, repeat his or her name to yourself.
* Keep your mind and body busy and active.

Health Tip: Bicycle Safety for Children

Before your child uses that new bicycle, the most important things to equip him or her with is a properly-fitted helmet and a basic knowledge of bicycle safety.

Here are suggestions, courtesy of the International Bicycle Fund:

* Always wear a bicycle helmet.
* Never bike in the road or on a busy street. Stay on the sidewalk.
* Stop and look for cars at any intersection before crossing.
* Although biking on the sidewalk, always ride in the same direction as traffic, and follow all road signs.
* Try to keep both hands on the bike handles at all times.
* Don't ride at night, and wear bright clothing -- even during daylight.

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