Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Health Tips for July 17

Health Tip: Prevent Poison Ivy Rash

Poison ivy may be difficult to avoid, but it is possible to prevent the itchy rash even after being exposed to the plant.

If you think you've come in contact with poison ivy, follow these suggestions from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration:

* Stay outside until your skin has been properly cleaned.
* Cleanse skin with a generous amount of rubbing alcohol.
* After the rubbing alcohol, rinse your skin thoroughly with plain water.
* Shower, washing the skin thoroughly with soap and water.
* Wash clothing with rubbing alcohol and water to remove any residue from the plant.

Health Tip: Feeding a Child Athlete

It's especially important that young athletes get enough calories and nutrients to keep up their energy, and maintain a healthy body weight.

The Nemours Foundation recommends feeding your athletic child a diet rich in:

* Vitamins and minerals -- in foods such as spinach, carrots, squash and peppers.
* Proteins -- in foods such as fish, lean red meat and poultry, dairy products, nuts, soy products and peanut butter.
* Carbohydrates -- in foods such as pasta, brown rice, whole-grain bread and cereal.

Meals should include healthy, natural foods, and exclude processed foods. The athletic youngster may need to eat more frequently, and will need to drink plenty of fluids to stay well-hydrated and avoid heat illness.

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