Monday, March 21, 2011

Health Tips for March 21

Health Tip: What May Cause a Stress Fracture

A stress fracture often occurs from a sudden increase in activity.

Abrupt overuse of the muscles means they can no longer absorb the shock of a particular activity. This causes a small crack to develop in nearby bone.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons offers this list of common reasons for stress fractures:

  • Suddenly exercising more frequently or more intensely.
  • Exercising on a new type of surface, such as when a tennis player changes from soft clay to a harder surface.
  • Using worn or inappropriate exercise equipment, such as shoes without adequate support.
  • A sudden increase in physical stress, such as when a sports player is abruptly given more playing time.

Health Tip: Let a Stress Fracture Heal

A stress fracture is an overuse injury that usually occurs from exercise, such as running.

Fatigued muscles after a while aren't able to absorb the stress of a certain activity, so the bone begins to absorb the impact, resulting in a tiny fracture.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons suggests how to help a stress fracture heal:

  • Take a break from the exercise or activity that triggered the stress fracture. Generally, healing takes about six to eight weeks.
  • If possible, limit yourself to light activity that doesn't cause pain for your particular fracture.
  • Using a brace or shoe insert may help speed healing.
  • Don't resume the activity too early, as re-injuring the area could cause an even larger, longer-lasting problem.

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