Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Health Tips for November 6

Health Tip: When Air Quality is Bad

Poor air quality can be especially troublesome for asthmatics, making it difficult for them to breathe.

Here are suggestions for asthmatics during bouts with poor air quality, courtesy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:

* Gauge your sensitivity to air quality by being aware of your symptoms, and how often you have attacks.
* Reduce any physical activity outdoors.
* Try exercising early in the morning, when air quality tends to be best.
* If outdoors, go inside as soon as you start to feel symptoms.
* Keep your inhaler and other asthma medications on hand at all times.

Health Tip: Teens Must Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is especially important for growing teens. The National Sleep Foundation says they need about nine and a quarter hours of sleep each night.

The Foundation offers these reasons for getting enough zzz's:

* Lack of sleep can cause problems with learning, memory and concentration.
* Without enough sleep, teens may be more susceptible to acne and other skin problems.
* Fatigue can cause aggression and irritability toward others, which can cause problems with family, friends and relationships.
* Lack of sleep can lead to overeating, and eating more unhealthy foods.
* Fatigue can make teens more likely to use nicotine and caffeine to stay awake.
* Tired teens may be more susceptible to illness.

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