Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Health Tips for November 20

Health Tip: Why Get an Annual Physical?

Even though you may be feeling healthy, it's important to get regular physical exams to help ensure that you stay that way.

The U.S. National Library of Medicine says regular physicals will allow your doctor to:

* Check regularly for signs of disease. Early detection often helps improve the chances of recovery.
* Determine your risk of future health problems, and possibly, to prevent them.
* Talk with you about your lifestyle, and to recommend changes.
* Give you any needed vaccinations.
* Get to know your history, in the event that you become seriously ill.

Health Tip: Taking a Home Pregnancy Test

Many women take a home pregnancy test when they suspect they may be pregnant.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services offers these suggestions to ensure that home pregnancy test results are as accurate as possible:

* Always follow the directions on the box, and make sure that the test has not expired.
* Take the test first thing in the morning.
* Wait at least one week after your missed period.
* Hormonal levels that indicate pregnancy vary in every woman. If your test is negative but you still have symptoms, wait a few days and try another test.
* Different brands may react differently with different women. Try a different brand if you doubt that results of the first test are accurate.

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