Thursday, November 01, 2007

Health Tips for November 1

Health Tip: Prepare Food Carefully

Food poisoning, with common symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting and severe abdominal cramping, can be avoided with a few simple precautions.

Here are suggestions on how to reduce your risk of eating contaminated food, courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine:

* Thoroughly wash your hands before and after touching food, and clean all kitchen surfaces before and after food is prepared.
* Make sure all foods -- especially meats -- are thoroughly cooked. Use a thermometer to be sure meat is cooked to a high enough temperature.
* Never allow cooked foods to come into contact with uncleaned dishes or surfaces where raw meats have been prepared.
* Never cook foods that are past their expiration date, and discard any foods that smell or look spoiled or rotten.
* Keep foods refrigerated until right before you cook or eat them. Never eat foods that have been sitting unrefrigerated for long periods.

Health Tip: Stick to Your Exercise Program

Exercise shouldn't be thought of only as a way to lose weight. It should be a regular part of your routine, designed to maintain your long-term health.

Harvard Medical School offers these suggestions to help you create an exercise routine and stick with it:

* Pick activities and workouts that you enjoy. Don't limit yourself to just one machine or one type of exercise.
* Plan a schedule that works for you, and always make time for even a little exercise each day.
* Set realistic goals. Decide how much you want to do at first, then increase the frequency and/or duration of your workouts.
* Record your progress. Monitoring how much you've improved will help motivate you.
* Reward yourself for sticking to your routine and meeting your goals.

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