Friday, November 16, 2007

Health Tips for November 16

Health Tip: Exercise Helps Your Heart

The American Heart Association says there are a few simple things you can do to keep active and promote a healthier heart:

* Do housework yourself, instead of hiring someone to do it.
* Work in the garden or mow the grass. Using a riding mower doesn't count.
* Go for a short walk before breakfast, after dinner or both. Start with a 10-minute walk and work up to 30 minutes.
* Walk or bike to the corner store.
* When watching television, pedal a stationary bicycle.
* Park on the outskirts of a shopping mall and walk to the stores.

Health Tip: Controlling Body Odor in Teens

As teen hormones begin to kick in and interact with common body bacteria, young adults may begin to notice body odor.

The Nemours Foundations offers these suggestions on how teens can keep body odor at bay:

* Shower daily with soap and water.
* Wear clean clothes and underwear every day, and change socks frequently. If you've been sweating, change into clean, dry clothes.
* Wear all-cotton t-shirts, underwear and socks, which absorb sweat better.
* Apply deodorant (masks odor from underarm perspiration) or antiperspirant (helps prevent underarm perspiration altogether).

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