Thursday, November 29, 2007

Health Tips for November 29

Health Tip: Severe Food Allergy?

If you or a loved one has a serious allergy to one or more foods, it's important to have an action plan in case of accidental ingestion.

Here are some guidelines, courtesy of the American Academy of Family Physicians:

* Work with your doctor and family members to create a clear, detailed emergency action plan. Always carry it with you.
* Designate a trusted third party as an emergency contact.
* At all times, carry emergency medications recommended by your doctor, which may include an epinephrine pen and an antihistamine.

Health Tip: Bringing Baby Home

Bringing your newborn home from the hospital is a joyous event, but it can also be frightening for first-time parents.

Here are suggestions to help make the transition from hospital to home easier, courtesy of the Nemours Foundation:

* Dress your baby in clothing that's comfortable, appropriate for the weather, and easy to put on.
* Use your child's infant car seat for the ride home, and make sure it's properly installed.
* It's OK to feel a range of emotions, from happy to scared to overwhelmed. Don't be shy about asking family and friends to help.
* Take time to introduce the baby to his or her new family, including siblings, friends, relatives and pets.
* Don't be afraid to call your doctor if you are concerned or have questions.

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