Sunday, November 29, 2009

Health Tips for November 29

Health Tip: Determining Migraines in Children

Migraines are common in kids, affecting up to 5 percent of grade-school children, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians.

So how do you know if your little one has another type of headache, or is suffering from a migraine?

Children with migraines may complain of the sensation of their heart pounding in their head, or the feeling that they need to vomit, the academy says. Or they may want to rest in a dark, quiet room.

Other symptoms may include pain surrounding the eyes, just across the forehead or on the side of the head, and pain that worsens with activity.

If your child complains of these symptoms, let the child lie down in a quiet, cool and dark room with a damp, cool rag across the head. Then talk to your child's doctor about what can be done to alleviate symptoms.

Health Tip: Things That Trigger Migraines

While migraines and their causes vary from person to person, researchers have identified some common triggers.

The National Women's Health Information Center offers this list:

  • Too much sleep, or not enough shut-eye.
  • Missing meals.
  • Overstimulated senses, including noises that are too loud, scents that are too strong, or lights that are too bright.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Stress.
  • Changes in the weather.
  • Drinking red wine or changes in caffeine intake.
  • Aspartame, an artificial sweetener.
  • Food additives such as tyramine, monosodium glutamate (MSG) or nitrates.

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