Saturday, November 28, 2009

Health Tips for November 28

Health Tip: Caring for Baby's Umbilical Cord

Newborns still have a little stump of what's left of the umbilical cord. Though it should fall off on its own by the end of the third week, some doctors recommend that parents take additional steps to prevent infection. Other doctors recommend leaving the area alone.

If the pediatrician approves, the Nemours Foundation says, here are suggestions to help parents care for a newborn's umbilical cord:

* Use a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol to gently dab the area.
* Don't submerge the baby's navel in water until the cord has fallen off. Keep the area dry, and give sponge baths instead.
* Look for any potential signs of infection, such like a reddening of the area, discharge or an unpleasant odor.


Health Tip: Bonding With Your New Baby

Caring for a tiny new being can be daunting at first, but new parents should concentrate immediately after birth on creating a strong bond between parent and child.

The Nemours Foundation offers these suggestions:

* Each parent should spend time holding baby directly against the skin.
* Gently rub or stroke baby's skin in various motions.
* Try some gentle infant massage techniques. You can learn how from a book, or from your pediatrician.
* Talk, sing, coo or babble to your baby, so the infant gets used to the sound of your voice.
* Listen to relaxing music together.

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