Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Health Tips for November 10

Health Tip: Keep Your Lungs Healthy

Your lungs may take a lot of abuse from the air that you breathe and an unhealthy lifestyle.

The American Lung Association offers these suggestions to help improve lung health:

  • Avoid cigarette smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke.
  • Limit exposure to pollutants in the air, including chemicals and smoke.
  • Minimize your risk of getting respiratory infections. Keep hands clean and get vaccinated to protect against illnesses such as flu and pneumonia.
  • Have regular medical checkups to help spot lung problems early.

Health Tip: Breathe Fresh Air at Home

If the air inside your home is dirty, you and your housemates can have symptoms including headache, dizziness, asthma and allergy symptoms, and fatigue.

The National Women's Health Information Center offers these suggestions to keep the air in your home clean:

  • When using chemicals such as paint or paint thinner, open the windows and keep the area well-ventilated.
  • Use a humidifier or dehumidifier to keep humidity levels between 30 percent and 50 percent.
  • If you use a humidifier, clean it and replace the water daily to prevent the growth of mold and mildew in the appliance.
  • Use an exhaust fan in the kitchen and bathroom, and vent clothes dryers outside.
  • If rugs or carpets get wet, quickly have them cleaned to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria.
  • Clean your home regularly, being careful to remove dust and any other allergens.

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