Thursday, April 24, 2008

Health Tips for April 24

Health Tip: Why Breast-Feed?

Whether to breast-feed is a personal choice that new mothers should consider carefully.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services offers this list of potential breast-feeding benefits to both baby and mother:

* Breast milk is the most complete source of nutrition for babies. Many babies digest breast milk more easily than formula.
* Some studies show that babies who are breast-fed may develop better.
* Breast-feeding can help new moms to lose baby weight, as it burns calories.
* Studies have shown that women who breast-fed their children may have a reduced risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer, as well as bone problems later in life, such as osteoporosis.
* Breast-feeding can help new mothers and their babies bond.

Health Tip: If You Have to Take Iron Supplements

If you are anemic or need iron supplements for another reason, taking the pills can be difficult.

The American Academy of Family Physicians suggests how to make taking iron supplements a little easier:

* Take the pills with food.
* Gradually work your way up to the number of pills your doctor prescribed each day. Start out with one a day, then after three to five days, begin increasing the amount until you've reached the daily dose recommended by your doctor.
* If iron pills make you constipated, add fiber to your daily diet.
* If the pills make your stomach upset, don't take them before you go to sleep.
* If a particular brand causes problems, ask your doctor about different brands or formulas.

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