Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Health Tips for April 22

Health Tip: Warm Up Before Exercise

Warming up should be part of every exercise program, as it prepares your body for more intense activity.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons offers this additional information about warming up before a workout:

* Warming up your muscles allows body temperature to rise, blood to flow, and breathing to increase.
* Warming up can help you to get a more effective workout.
* If you are just starting to exercise, you should spend more time warming up than someone who exercises regularly.
* Stretching is a good way to slowly warm up muscles.
* A light aerobic warm-up at a relaxed pace is a safe way to start your workout.

Health Tip: Weight-Bearing Exercises Strengthen Bones

Getting plenty of calcium and vitamin D in your diet are great ways to ward off the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis. Weight-bearing exercises are another way to help maintain bone health.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons recommends these forms of weight-bearing exercise:

* Brisk walking, jogging or hiking.
* Strenuous yard work such as pushing a lawn mower, or active gardening.
* Sports such as soccer, basketball, baseball, tennis or racquetball.
* Climbing the stairs, step aerobics or dancing.
* Activities such as skiing, bowling, skating or karate.
* Use of free weights or weight machines.

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