Thursday, October 04, 2007

Health Tips for October 4

Health Tip: Nicotine Withdrawal

Nicotine is an extremely addictive substance that causes physical and psychological reactions in the body when it is no longer available.

The highly addictive nicotine in cigarettes is what makes quitting smoking so difficult.

The American Cancer Society lists these common symptoms of nicotine withdrawal:

* Dizziness.
* Insomnia, restlessness and difficulty concentrating.
* Depression, irritability and moodiness.
* Feeling frustrated or anger.
* Headache, fatigue and increased appetite.

Some people have found using the nicotine patch or chewing gum with nicotine in it as useful transitional methods for quitting smoking

But, health experts warn, eventually it is your own will-power that's needed to quit.

Health Tip: Helping Halitosis

Halitosis is the term for persistent bad breath.

The condition can be caused by a a variety of factors and conditions, some of which are behaviors that can be avoided to reduce bad breath.

Here are some common causes of halitosis and ways to help reduce it, courtesy of the American Dental Association:

* What you eat can cause halitosis, so avoid potent foods like garlic and onions. Not eating can also cause bad breath, so don't avoid meals.
* Poor dental hygiene can lead to bad breath, so brush, floss and use mouthwash frequently to keep breath fresh.
* Dry mouth can exacerbate bad breath, so stay well hydrated, and try sucking on sugar-free candies to stimulate saliva production.
* Don't smoke.
* Since bad breath can be caused by a medical condition, such as a respiratory infection, bronchitis, sinusitis, liver or kidney illness, and many others, talk to your doctor about a diagnosis.

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