Sunday, September 18, 2011

Health Tips for September 18

Health Tip: What Causes Arthritis Pain?

It's no secret to any person with arthritis that pain comes with the territory.

But what makes arthritis so painful? The Arthritis Foundation offers this list of contributing factors:

  • Arthritis causes painful inflammation (swelling) of the joints.
  • Arthritis -- over time -- damages joint tissue, causing additional pain.
  • Arthritis leads to a feeling of fatigue, which makes pain feel worse and more difficult to manage.
  • Arthritis can lead to symptoms of stress or depression, making you focus more on pain and lament not being able to do the things you once enjoyed.

Health Tip: Make Work Less Painful If You Have Arthritis

Sitting at a desk and working at a computer all day can be painful for someone with arthritis.

The Arthritis Foundation offers these suggestions to ease arthritis pain and stiffness while you're at work:

  • Take regular breaks every 20 minutes to 30 minutes, getting up to stretch and move around.
  • Make sure your desk chair fits you well, and sit with your feet flat on the floor.
  • Set up your computer screen so it's level with your eyes.
  • Place papers in a document holder so they're easier to see without straining.
  • If your chair lacks lumbar support, use a rolled-up towel or small pillow to provide better support for your lower back.

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