Thursday, September 15, 2011

Health Tips for September 15

Health Tip: Look for Signs of Elder Abuse

Many seniors are frail and unable to fully care for themselves. They are particularly vulnerable to intentional abuse or neglect, the U.S. Administration on Aging says.

The agency mentions these warning signs of elder abuse:

  • Any sign of physical harm, including bruises, fractures, burns or marks on the skin.
  • Sudden withdrawal, depression and reduced alertness, or other changes in behavior or personality.
  • Unexpected changes in financial status, which could indicate that the elderly person is being exploited.
  • Unexplained weight loss, bedsores or lack of personal hygiene.
  • Signs of being threatened or belittled.
  • Frequent arguing between caregiver and the elderly person, and signs of strain in the relationship.

Health Tip: Stay Social as You Grow Older

As you age, it's important to maintain existing relationships and continue to make new friends.

The Cleveland Clinic suggests how to stay socially involved as you age:

  • Seek new interests and hobbies that you are passionate about, especially social activities such as dancing.
  • Work to make family relationships stronger.
  • Work out problems across generations within the family.
  • Keep yourself busy with educational activities for adults.

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