Friday, May 01, 2009

Health Tips for May 1

Health Tip: Allow Yourself to Grieve

While you're grieving because of a major life change or loss, you need time to cope.

Rotary International offers these suggestions to help manage grieving:
  • Accept your loss, and deal with your feelings. Ignoring your emotions may lead to emotional and physical problems later.
  • Be creative in expressing your emotions. Try writing in a journal, writing a letter or creating a photo album or scrapbook.
  • Stay physically healthy with a good diet, plenty of sleep and regular exercise.
  • Avoid using drugs and alcohol to deal with grief.
  • Allow yourself to grieve on your own schedule. Express whatever emotions you feel -- cry, laugh or just be sad.
  • Know that grief may re-emerge at certain times, such as on birthdays or holidays. Don't let it surprise you, and try to prepare for it as much as you can.
Health Tip: When Seniors Have Trouble Sleeping

Sleep disturbances -- including trouble getting to sleep or waking frequently throughout the night -- are common in elderly people.

The U.S. National Library of Medicine offers this list of common reasons for sleep problems in older people:
  • Increased need to urinate.
  • Pain, particularly from arthritis.
  • Depression.
  • Neurological problems.
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Side effects of taking certain medications.
  • Alcohol use.
  • Not getting enough exercise.
  • Consuming too much caffeine.

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