Saturday, December 06, 2008

Health Tips for December 6

Health Tip: Warning Signs for Ovarian Cancer

The symptoms of ovarian cancer -- a form of cancer that's often life-threatening -- can mimic symptoms of other conditions. So it's best to have them evaluated by a doctor.

The U.S. National Cancer Institute says these may be signs of ovarian cancer:

  • Frequent or constant fatigue.
  • Constipation, nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, or gas.
  • A feeling of pressure or pain in the abdomen, pelvis, back, or legs.
  • A swollen or bloated abdomen.

Health Tip: Vaccinations for Adults

Vaccinations aren't just for kids. There are periodic vaccines that adults should get to stay healthy, too.

The Cleveland Clinic lists these vaccines recommended for people aged 18 and older:

  • Get a tetanus booster shot every 10 years.
  • A pneumonia vaccine is suggested at age 65. People with a chronic illness should get it before age 65.
  • An annual flu shot is recommended for anyone 65 or older, health-care workers, people with chronic illness, pregnant women, and people who care for very young children.
  • A hepatitis B shot is suggested for health-care workers, homosexual men, people with multiple sex partners, I.V. drug users, people on hemodialysis, and anyone with a weakened immune system.
  • A measles-mumps-rubella vaccine is suggested for women of child-bearing age, college students, health-care workers, and people who travel internationally. All of those people -- plus teachers and day-care workers -- should also have a varicella vaccine.

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