Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Health Tips for December 24

Health Tip: Enjoy Sledding Safely

Sledding is a fun way to enjoy the winter weather. But it can be dangerous if done recklessly and without precautions.

The U.S. National Safety Council offers these safety tips for sledders of any age:

  • Stay away from steep and dangerous slopes that end on the road. Look for more level hills.
  • Make sure the hills are clear before you sled down them -- check for holes and anything else that may obstruct the sledder's path -- including trees, fences, telephone poles or rocks.
  • Stay away from hills near lakes, streams or ponds. Even if these bodies of water look frozen, they may not be frozen all the way through.
  • Never sled near streets or traffic.
  • Never sled down a hill head-first.
  • Sledders should wear gloves and boots to protect against frostbite and injury.

Health Tip: Where to Keep a Fire Extinguisher

Smoke detectors aren't the only way to prevent a fire-related disaster at home. You should also have at least one fire extinguisher available, the U.S. National Safety Council says.

An all-purpose extinguisher (one that combats both grease and electrical fires) should always be kept in the kitchen. You should also keep one in the garage, near your furnace, and anywhere else where something combustible could start a fire.

Fire extinguishers, however, won't help if no one in the home knows how to use them. Every able-bodied person in the home should be familiar with how to use fire extinguishers, and where they are kept.

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