Thursday, August 07, 2008

Health Tips for August 7

Health Tip: Can't Sleep?

If you have trouble falling or staying asleep, it's important to understand the reasons for your insomnia.

Here's a list of possible reasons for your sleepless nights, courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine:

* Discomfort or illness.
* Depression.
* Stress or anxiety.
* Drinking caffeine or alcohol, smoking, or taking certain medications or illicit drugs.
* An inappropriate sleep environment, including one that's too bright or too noisy.
* Related activities that affect your sleep, such as taking naps or going to bed too early.

Health Tip: Prevent Jet Lag

Jet lag can dampen the fun of any trip when your body struggles to adjust to a new time zone.

The American Academy of Family Physicians offers these suggestions to prevent jet lag:

* Start your trip well-rested. Make sure you get plenty of sleep before your trip.
* Avoid alcohol and overeating.
* Eat healthy meals.
* Get as much exercise as possible.
* Avoid sleep medications. If you use them, don't take them for more than a few days.
* Follow the schedule of the time zone you are in. Eat meals and go to bed when the locals do.

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