Friday, July 25, 2008

Health Tips for July 25

Health Tip: Evaluate Your Diet

If you don't carefully monitor your diet, here are a few warning signs that you should, courtesy of the American Academy of Family Physicians:

* If your doctor has warned you about health problems or risk factors that can be controlled or improved with a better diet. These conditions include high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
* If you have a family history of heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes or cancer.
* If you are overweight or obese.
* If you have unanswered questions about the foods you eat, and whether you should take vitamins or other supplements.

Health Tip: Reduce Pesticide Exposure

Pesticides can help keep your home free of insects, rodents and other unwanted visitors, but exposure to these products can pose serious health risks.

The National Safety Council offers these suggestions when working with pesticides:

* Only use pesticides that have been legally purchased, and are approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or similar government agency.
* Carefully read directions on the pesticide label, and follow them exactly.
* When you can, use non-chemical pesticides.
* Keep the work area well-ventilated.
* Make sure you safely dispose of any excess product.

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