Sunday, July 13, 2008

Health Tips for July 13

Health Tip: When to Induce Labor

Most pregnant women will go into labor naturally, but sometimes it's safer for doctors to induce labor.

Here are reasons for why a doctor might decide to induce labor, courtesy of the American Academy of Family Physicians:

* Going two weeks or longer past the due date.
* Having no contractions after the woman's water breaks.
* Having high blood pressure.
* Having an infection in the uterus.
* Having diabetes.
* Having an insufficient amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby.

Health Tip: Trying Pregnancy Again

Trying to get pregnant again after a miscarriage can be fraught with a host of emotional and physical concerns.

Here are suggestions when considering another pregnancy after a miscarriage, courtesy of the American Pregnancy Association:

* Doctors routinely recommend waiting six months to one year before trying to get pregnant again. This is to make sure that the woman's body to ready to handle another pregnancy. It's also important to make sure that you're emotionally ready to try again.
* About 85 percent of women who have had a miscarriage go on to have a successful pregnancy. Among those who have had more than one loss, the rate is about 75 percent.
* If you do get pregnant again, ask your doctor to help you more carefully monitor your health and progress.
* It's normal to still grieve for an earlier loss while celebrating the arrival of a new baby.
* It's common to be hesitant in bonding with your new baby, fearing another loss.
* Talk to your doctor about counselors or support groups if you are having a difficult time with your pregnancy or new baby.

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