Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Health Tips for July 1

Health Tip: Wear Eye Protection

Eye injuries can occur when you're playing sports, working with tools or chemicals, or even in the kitchen.

The U.S. National Safety Council says you should always wear eye protection when you are:

* Working with or around any type of chemical.
* Using tools to make repairs around the home.
* Playing any sport that involves a ball or other object that could strike your eye.

You can protect your glasses or contact lenses with safety goggles. You should also always wear sunglasses when you're out in the sun.

Health Tip: Understanding Astigmatism

Astigmatism involves distorted vision due to an abnormal curve in the eye's cornea. It's a very common condition, and is usually present at birth.

The U.S. National Library of Medicine offers this additional information:

* Astigmatism often occurs alongside other eye conditions, including nearsightedness or farsightedness.
* It is unclear what causes astigmatism.
* Astigmatism can be diagnosed at a regular eye exam.
* Hard contact lenses or glasses can correct vision problems in people with astigmatism, but soft contact lenses generally don't work as well.

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