Thursday, May 29, 2008

Health Tips for May 29

Health Tip: Take a Short Nap

While a full night's sleep is vital to good health, stamina and alertness, a short nap also can do wonders for your mood and performance.

The National Sleep Foundation offers these suggestions for good napping:

* Limit the nap to 20 minutes to 30 minutes. This shouldn't leave you feeling groggy or interfere with your ability to fall asleep at night.
* Make sure you have a good sleep environment. Choose a cool, dark and quiet room to help you fall asleep and have a restful nap.
* Choose the right time to nap. Your body may not be ready for more sleep if it's early in the day, while napping too late can cause problems falling asleep at bedtime.

Health Tip: Create a Space for Sleep

Difficulty sleeping can be caused by simply having too many distractions and discomforts in your bedroom.

Try these steps to create an environment for better sleep, courtesy of the National Sleep Foundation:

* Make sure your room is quiet. If necessary, try using a white noise machine or earplugs.
* Keep your room at a temperature that's comfortable. Slightly cooler temperatures often are best for sleep.
* Keep the bedroom dark. Also make sure you get plenty of exposure to light during the day.
* Make sure your bed and pillows are comfortable and clean, and big enough for you and your sleep partner to share.
* Avoid TV or a computer in the bedroom.
* Offer pets their own bed or other comfy sleep spot.

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