Health Tip: Water Safety
Swimming is a great form of exercise, but you and your loved ones need to be careful around water.
The U.S. National Library of Medicine offers these water safety suggestions:
* Children should always be supervised near any form of water, including pools, lakes, streams and even bathtubs.
* A pool should always be surrounded by a fence, including a gate that can be locked.
* Always wear a life preserver if you're boating on a stream, lake, river or the ocean, even if you know how to swim.
* Don't drink alcohol while swimming or boating.
* Never swim alone.
* Never dive unless the water is deep enough to dive safely.
Health Tip: Sick After Swimming
Recreational water illness (RWI) is contracted by breathing, swallowing or having contact with water that has been contaminated with germs. The most common RWIs may cause diarrhea, skin, eye, ear and gastrointestinal illnesses.
Here are suggestions on how to prevent and avoid RWIs, courtesy of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
* Don't swim when you have diarrhea, and don't allow children in diapers to swim when they have diarrhea.
* Practice good hygiene before swimming. Shower before entering the water, make sure children are properly washed, and always wash hands after using the bathroom.
* Make sure your child leaves the water and uses the bathroom frequently.
* Don't change diapers at or near the pool, lake or beach.
* To help reduce the risk of contracting an RWI, never swallow water while swimming.
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