Sunday, May 11, 2008

Health Tips for May 11

Health Tip: Why Breast-Feed?

Whether to breast-feed is a personal choice that new mothers should consider carefully.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services offers this list of potential breast-feeding benefits to both baby and mother:

* Breast milk is the most complete source of nutrition for babies. Many babies digest breast milk more easily than formula.
* Some studies show that babies who are breast-fed may develop better.
* Breast-feeding can help new moms to lose baby weight, as it burns calories.
* Studies have shown that women who breast-fed their children may have a reduced risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer, as well as bone problems later in life, such as osteoporosis.
* Breast-feeding can help new mothers and their babies bond.

Health Tip: Using a Breast Pump

A breast pump allows mothers to extract and store breast milk for instances when they can't be present for a baby's feeding.

Here are suggestions on how to use a breast pump, courtesy of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration:

* When using the product for the first time, carefully read the entire instruction manual.
* Wash your hands with warm water and soap for 10 seconds to 15 seconds, then dry thoroughly.
* You may want to wash your breasts if you have used a cream, ointment or other topical product.
* Make sure your pump is properly assembled, and that you are in a comfortable place where you can relax.
* Position the breast shield carefully on your nipple, so that it does not pull or pinch.
* Once you are comfortable and the pump is properly in place, turn it on or begin pumping manually.
* Typically, you can expect to pump for about 10 minutes to 15 minutes per breast. But your session should only last as long as it is comfortable.

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