Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Health Tips for May 14

Health Tip: Can You Quit Smoking Without Weight Gain?

Weight gain doesn't have to be a side effect of quitting smoking if you follow a few simple methods to keep you both slim and healthy.

Here are some things you can do to prevent unnecessary calories and weight gain while you're quitting smoking, courtesy of the American Heart Association:

* Choose healthy foods for meals and snacks -- low-fat and low-calorie foods, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.
* Drink plenty of water, and get regular exercise -- it will keep you busy and reduce stress.
* If you need to keep your hands busy, fiddle with a small object like a paper clip, pencil, marbles or something else you can play with in your hand.
* Snack if you feel the urge to have something in your mouth, but stick to crunchy fruits and vegetables, or sugar-free candy or gum.
* Brush your teeth frequently so that you have fresh, clean taste in your mouth that you don't want to ruin with smoke.
* Stay busy -- try knitting, crossword puzzles, writing letters, reading a book or playing a new sport.

Health Tip: Reducing Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin condition that causes redness in the skin, primarily on the face. Rosacea cannot be cured, but some redness can be controlled with various treatments.

Here are some factors that can increase redness caused by rosacea, courtesy of the American Academy of Family Physicians:

* Exposure to sunlight
* Drinking very hot drinks or alcohol
* Eating spicy foods
* Exercising heavily
* Stress
* Exposure to very hot or very cold weather

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