Friday, June 08, 2007

Health Tips for June 8

Health Tip: Choosing a Baby Formula

If you're a new mother who decides not to breast feed, you'll need to select a baby formula.

Which one should you choose? Here are options to discuss with your doctor, courtesy of the American Academy of Family Physicians:

  • Does your baby need an iron-fortified formula, or one that doesn't contain extra iron?
  • Cow's milk and soy-based formulas are both options. But your baby could be allergic to either one. Most family doctors recommend cow's milk-based formulas, the academy says.
  • Baby formulas are sold in three forms: ready-to-use (no mixing required), concentrated liquid (mixed with water), or powder. Again, discuss these options with your doctor.

Health Tip: Recovering From Root Canal

A root canal is needed when the tissue inside a tooth becomes infected or inflamed. During the procedure, the dentist removes the infected tissue and seals the tooth, protecting it from further infection.

Here's what to expect after the procedure, courtesy of the American Dental Association:

  • The tooth probably will be sensitive, sore or painful for a few days. You can take an over-the-counter pain medication for relief.
  • Avoid chewing or biting with the damaged tooth until it has been fully restored, usually with a dental crown.
  • If you have severe pain or pressure in the tooth, or pain that lasts more than a few days, call your dentist.

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