Sunday, June 24, 2007

Health Tips for June 24

Food Fact:
Be skeptical of "superjuices."

So-called "enhanced" drinks may have less than meets the eye. The amount of ginseng in your water, ginkgo in your iced tea or echinacea in your juice is far below the recommended levels claimed to affect energy, memory, immunity or anything else. The problem for drinkmakers: Often, adding enough would affect taste.

Fitness Tip of the day:
Fitting in fitness.

Going on a business trip? Make a pact with yourself to exercise -- it's easy when you plan ahead. Before you leave on your next trip, call health clubs in the area you'll be visiting and find one that offers a day pass. Ask the hotel concierge to suggest safe running/walking routes near your hotel, and maybe provide maps. Or, simply walk to a room on a higher floor, and you won't need to reserve a stair climber in the gym.

FAQ of the day:
Do children need whole milk?

Children only need whole milk until age 2. Up to that age, infants and toddlers need more fat, from a variety of sources, than the rest of us. One reason is that their brains are rapidly developing, and brains are made up mostly from fat. Let your infants and toddlers enjoy their whole milk, whole yogurt and other high-fat dairy foods, as well as plenty of other "good" fats in tofu, fish, nuts and seeds, for example, up to age 2. After that, gradually switch to dairy foods that reduce saturated fat.

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