Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Health Tips for June 6

Health Tip: Prevent Drug Reactions

Adverse drug reactions can occur when two or more prescription or over-the-counter drugs interact negatively with each other.

To reduce your risk of drug reactions, follow these guidelines from the American Academy of Family Physicians:

* Read labels carefully, and understand the ingredients in each drug and any possible side effects they can cause.
* Before you take a drug, speak with your doctor or pharmacist if you don't understand the drug label. Make sure they are aware of all drugs you are taking.
* Don't mix pills or break capsules into any food or drink unless directed to do so.
* Don't take any medication with alcohol.
* Don't take medication at the same time as vitamins or mineral supplements.

Health Tip: Sensible Ways to Shed Pounds

Losing weight can a daunting task. But there are sensible ways to go about it, AARP says.

Along with a healthy diet and regular exercise, the group offers these suggestions:

* Don't skip meals -- eat three a day, especially breakfast. Skipping meals can cause you to overeat later in the day.
* Drink a lot of water, and drink a glass or two before a meal to help you feel more full and eat less.
* To fill you up without extra calories, eat foods that are rich in fiber and water, such as fruits and vegetables.
* Track what and how much you eat by keeping a food journal.
* Don't give up, and remember that every little bit you do helps.

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