Monday, October 20, 2008

Health Tips for October 20

Health Tip: Make Time for Breakfast

Your mother probably urged you to eat a healthy breakfast, noting it was the day's most important meal.

She was right, says the Nemours Foundation, which offers these suggestions on how to refuel your kids to begin their day:

  • Keep your kitchen full of healthy, quick and easy breakfast choices.
  • If morning time is at a premium, try to prepare for breakfast the night before. Set out dishes, prepare and cut up food, etc.
  • Wake your family 10 minutes earlier than usual to allow time for breakfast.
  • Encourage your child to help decide what to have for breakfast. The child can even help prepare it.
  • Have on-the-go breakfast options ready for mornings when you're running late, including fresh fruit, yogurt, trail mix, and individual boxes of cereal.
  • Pack a nutritious snack for your child if he or she isn't hungry first thing in the morning.
Health Tip: Satisfying Food Cravings

Food cravings are common, and most people have them at one time or another.

The Cleveland Clinic offers these facts to help you satisfy your cravings without wrecking your weight:

  • Satisfying a food craving can help improve your mood, relax you and give you more energy.
  • Women are likely to crave certain foods during certain times of the year and month, and are more likely to be happy when they've satisfied their cravings.
  • Don't deny yourself something that you are craving. Instead, allow yourself a small portion.
  • Denying yourself a small treat that you crave can lead to an intensified craving, and eventually binge eating.
  • Take care of your craving shortly after it starts. The more time you have to think about it, the stronger the craving probably becomes and the more likely you are to binge eat.

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