Monday, October 13, 2008

Health Tips for October 13

Health Tip: Something in Your Eye?

Getting something in your eye can be irritating enough, but you do more damage to your eye while trying to get it out.

To get dust, an eyelash, or other small particle out of your eye without injuring yourself, follow these suggestions from the U.S. National Library of Medicine:

* Wash your hands thoroughly, and examine your eye in a mirror in a well-lighted room. Look up, down, and side to side, and try to locate the particle in your eye.
* Do not rub your eye.
* If you can't find the particle, gently pull down the skin beneath your eye and look under the lower lid. Also gently grasp the upper lid and look underneath there, as well.
* Try to gently rinse the eye or eyelid with water when you find the particle.
* If you can't easily remove the particle or it looks like it's already damaged the eye, seek immediate medical attention.

Health Tip: Is LASIK Right for You?

LASIK surgery is performed on the eyes to improve vision, often reducing the need for glasses or contact lenses.

The U.S. National Library of Medicine, in cooperation with the American Academy of Ophthalmology, lists these guidelines for the ideal LASIK candidate:

* Being at least 18 years old. But, in some cases, young children with one very nearsighted eye and one normal eye may benefit from LASIK.
* Women should not be pregnant or nursing.
* Having healthy eyes with vision prescriptions that are relatively stable.
* Candidates should not be taking certain prescription drugs, including Accutane or oral prednisone.
* Being in overall good health, without chronic conditions such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, glaucoma, herpes eye infections, or cataracts.
* Being unsatisfied with wearing glasses or contacts.
* Having realistic expectations of the surgery and results.

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