Thursday, October 02, 2008

Health Tips for October 2

Health Tip: When Your Child is Teething

Baby teeth usually begin to appear between 5 months and 7 months of age. Infants may continue to get baby teeth until they are about 2 1/2 years old.

The Lucile Packard Children's Hospital offers a list of common symptoms of teething, and some warning signs that something may be wrong.

Normal signs:

* Additional drooling.
* Frequent chewing or sucking on the fist or fingers.
* Swelling or puffiness of the gums.
* Being unusually fussy.

Unusual symptoms:

* While some discomfort is normal, teething shouldn't cause your baby to have a high fever.
* Teething also shouldn't cause cold-like symptoms or diarrhea.

Health Tip: Controlling Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are a common side effect of hormonal changes that occur during menopause.

Here are suggestions from the University of California San Francisco Medical Center on how to prepare for hot flashes, especially at bedtime:

* Keep your bedroom cool, and keep a nearby fan on while you sleep.
* Wear light, cotton pajamas.
* Put cotton or "t-shirt" sheets on the bed to help absorb sweat.
* Have an extra clean pair of pajamas and sheets near the bed, so you can quickly change them if they get too damp
* Before heading to bed, take a warm bath or shower.

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