Friday, October 10, 2008

Health Tips for October 10

Health Tip: Choosing a Knee Brace

A knee brace can help protect an injured knee from further injury, or help prevent injury in a weakened or arthritic knee.

The American Academy of Family Physicians offers this list of different types of knee braces:

* A prophylactic knee brace can protect knees from injury during contact sports, including football.
* Functional braces can help protect an already injured knee from further damage.
* Rehabilitative braces help stabilize and protect knees that are recovering from injury or surgery.
* Unloader or offloader braces offer support and protection to knees that are affected by arthritis.

Health Tip: Massage Arthritis Pain

Medication can help ease arthritis pain, but a gentle massage can also provide relief.

The Arthritis Foundation has this advice:

* If you start to feel pain or discomfort while massaging the arthritic area, stop right away.
* Avoid massaging any joints that are swollen or very painful.
* Use lotion or massage oil on your skin.
* If you massage using a menthol gel, make sure to wash it all off before you apply any heat to the area. This will help prevent burns.
* If you go to a professional masseuse, make sure he or she has experience in working with people who have arthritis.

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