Sunday, June 29, 2008

Health Tips for June 29

Health Tip: Depression Among Teens

With all of the physical, emotional and hormonal changes in their lives, some teens are especially prone to depression.

Here are factors that could trigger depression in teens, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine:

* Undergoing a particularly stressful event, such as the death of a family member or parental divorce.
* Being physically or sexually abused as a child.
* Having a lack of social skills.
* Having a chronic illness.
* Living with another family member who suffers from depression.

Health Tip: Prevent Falls From Windows

Every year, thousands of children are killed or hurt by falling from windows.

Here are guidelines from the U.S. National Safety Council to keep your children safe:

* If you want to open a window for fresh air, only open those that are high enough that children cannot reach them. Keep others closed and locked.
* Move any furniture or other items away from windows, so that children can't climb on these objects to reach windows.
* Don't count on screens to protect your child. They are not strong enough to prevent children from falling through them.
* Teach your child not to play near windows or glass doors. Set rules about staying away from them.
* A window needs to be opened only 5 inches for a child under age 10 to fall through. In many locations, landlords are legally bound to install window guards in apartments with children.

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