Monday, March 31, 2008

Health Tips for March 31

Health Tip: After a Car Accident

Traffic accidents often cause more than physical injuries -- they can also cause emotional and mental trauma.

The American Academy of Family Physicians offers these suggestions to prepare your mind and body for a return to the road:

* Take care of your physical injuries -- see your doctor about any post-accident pain.
* As long as your injuries permit, try to get some exercise. Speak to your doctor about setting limits.
* Talk about the experience with your friends and family. This may help you better deal with post-accident anxiety.
* Resume your old routine and daily activities.
* Teach yourself to become a more defensive driver. Always wear a seat belt, and practice good driving habits.

Health Tip: Muscle Injury?

Many minor overuse injuries to muscles and tendons can be treated at home.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons suggests the RICE method, which includes:

* Resting the injured area by avoiding exercise, sports or activities that may aggravate the injury until the pain subsides.
* Icing the area with an ice pack (protecting the skin) several times a day for about 20 minutes per session.
* Compressing the area by wearing an elastic compression bandage.
* Elevating the area, keeping it above the level of your heart.

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