Thursday, March 20, 2008

Health Tips for March 20

Health Tip: Massage During Pregnancy

The medical community continues to debate the merits of getting a massage during pregnancy, according to the American Pregnancy Association.

Before you get a massage while you're pregnant, always check with your doctor. The association believes for many pregnant women, massage can offer benefits that include:

* Improved regulation of hormones related to stress and anxiety.
* Reduced swelling of the joints.
* Improvement of nerve pain.
* Better circulation.
* Fewer muscle aches and pains.
* Better sleep.

The association advises that you should always work with a certified prenatal massage therapist, who is attuned to the needs of pregnant women. Of particular concern may be your body's position during the massage. Discuss this with your doctor and massage therapist in advance.

Women with high-risk pregnancies or medical conditions such as preeclampsia should be particularly careful about discussing the risks of massage with their physician.

Health Tip: Treating Head Lice

Head lice are tiny insects that live in the hair. They can be transmitted from person to person, or by sharing items such as clothing or linens with an infested person.

The U.S. National Library of Medicine offers these suggestions to treat and remove head lice and their eggs:

* Thoroughly wash hair with a medicated shampoo or lotion that contains permethrin.
* Use a metal nit comb to pick eggs out of the hair. Metal combs are more effective than plastic ones. Rub olive oil on the hair or rub the comb in beeswax before combing to make eggs easier to remove.
* Begin treatment as soon as you spot symptoms of lice.
* Thoroughly wash all clothing, towels and bed linens in very hot water and detergent.

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