Saturday, October 01, 2011

Health Tips for October 1

Food Fact:
Is apple juice healthy?

It's better than soda -- but it still shortchanges you and your kids. Whole apples have lots of fiber that's missing from juice, which is mostly water and sugar. An apple has just 80 calories, making it a great choice to satisfy between-meal hunger.

Fitness Tip of the day:
Easy steps for weight loss.

Want to burn 160 calories in 30 minutes? You don't even need a gym! All you have to do is walk -- a great way to tone up, decrease your risk of heart disease and colon cancer, and help control your weight. A 150-lb. person, walking briskly for 30 minutes, can burn 160 calories.

FAQ of the day:
Are beans good for weight loss?

If you replace high-calorie proteins such as meat and cheese with legumes, then eating more grain or bean dishes will help you cut your caloric intake. But remember that beans have more calories than green vegetables. A cup of black beans cooked without fat has about 230 calories, while a cup of steamed chopped broccoli has only about 45. So use modest portions of legumes for protein, and bulk up your dinners with fresh vegetables.

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