Saturday, July 30, 2011

Health Tips for July 30

Health Tip: When Sleep Apnea Affects Children

Obstructive sleep apnea commonly occurs when swollen tonsils or adenoids obstruct the airways during sleep.

The condition affects as many as 3 percent of preschool-age children, says the Nemours Foundation.

The foundation mentions these common symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea in children:

  • Snoring, which is usually accompanied by gasping sounds and pauses in breathing.
  • Heavy breathing during sleep.
  • Sleeping restlessly or sleeping in strange positions.
  • Changes in skin color.
  • Sleepiness during the day.

Health Tip: Signs You May Have Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea, most often characterized by loud snoring, occurs when breathing pauses briefly or becomes shallow during sleep. This often results in poor sleep and can make a person very tired during the day.

The U.S. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute says common symptoms of sleep apnea may include:

  • Very loud and persistent snoring, with occasional pauses. Choking or gasping sounds may follow these pauses.
  • Snoring that is worse when sleeping on the back.
  • Daytime drowsiness.
  • Having a headache or a dry throat when the person wakes in the morning.
  • Difficulty concentrating, learning and remembering.
  • Irritability, depression or changes in personality.

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