Thursday, July 14, 2011

Health Tips for July 14

Health Tip: Prepare a Diabetic Child for Insulin Shots

For a child with diabetes, blood glucose checks or insulin shots can be major sources of anxiety, especially at the beginning. Parents and caregivers may be no less fearful and guilt-stricken.

The American Diabetes Association suggests how to help you and your child get through blood sugar checks and insulin shots:

  • Practice taking deep breaths, and letting them out slowly.
  • Tell your child a joke, or sing a favorite song during the shot.
  • Allow your child to play doctor and pretend to give you a shot first.
  • Ask your child to tell you about the favorite part of the day.
  • Prep the injection site with a kiss, and give another one when the shot is over.
  • Give the shot as quickly as possible.
  • Offer your child plenty of praise for being brave.

Health Tip: Spot Warning Signs of Low Blood Sugar

Hypoglycemia is the medical term for low blood glucose, common among people with diabetes. It can occur even when you're trying hard to manage your blood sugar levels.

The American Diabetes Association says while you can't always prevent hypoglycemia, you can take steps to treat it if you know the warning signs:

  • Sweating or turning pale.
  • Feeling dizzy or shaking.
  • Developing a headache.
  • Feeling hungry.
  • Showing moodiness, or rapid behavior changes.
  • Moving awkwardly or clumsily.
  • Having a seizure.
  • Acting confused, or having problems paying attention.
  • Having a tingly feeling around the mouth.

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