Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Health Tips for February 6

Health Tip: Cleaning Safety for Pregnant Women

If you're pregnant and need to clean your home, here are suggestions to help keep mom and baby safe, courtesy of the American Pregnancy Association:

* Make sure the area you are cleaning is well-ventilated. If possible, open the windows or turn on a fan.
* Protect your skin from chemicals by wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants, as well as gloves.
* Always check the label, to be sure there is no warning against use of the product by pregnant women.
* Never mix two cleaning products together. Mixing chemicals can cause toxic fumes.
* Do not clean the inside of an oven while pregnant, as the confined space does not allow for adequate ventilation.

Health Tip: Before Giving Yoga a Try

While yoga is a relatively safe form of exercise, you should take precautions, especially if you're just beginning.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons offers these recommendations to practice yoga safely:

* If you have any medical condition, don't try yoga without consulting your doctor first.
* Learn the proper technique from a certified yoga instructor.
* Drink plenty of fluids.
* Be sure to warm up before starting your yoga routine.
* Start out slowly, making sure that you are performing each move and position correctly.
* Stop if you start to feel uncomfortable or notice pain.

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