Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Health Tips for February 20

Health Tip: Zinc in Your Diet

Zinc is a mineral that the body needs to help the immune system, in wound healing, and in the breakdown of carbohydrates. Second only to iron in its concentration in the body, zinc is found in protein-rich foods such as meat, peanuts and peanut butter, and legumes.

If you're not getting enough zinc, here's a list of possible warning signs, courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine:

* Slow growth rate.
* No appetite.
* Slow-healing wounds, lesions on the skin, and persistent infections.
* Hair loss.
* Abnormalities in your ability to taste and smell.
* Difficulty seeing in the dark.
* Insufficient hormone production in men.

Health Tip: Timeouts for Toddlers

While it's important to correct a young child who has done wrong, it's just as important to do it safely and correctly.

The Nemours Foundation offers these suggestions:

* When you catch the child doing something wrong or potentially dangerous, calmly but firmly tell the child "no."
* Either remove the object, or remove the child from the area.
* If your child is behaving badly or throwing a temper tantrum, put him or her in "timeout."
* Make "timeout" a stair, a corner or a chair, and don't keep the child there for longer than a couple of minutes. Longer timeouts aren't effective, especially for toddlers.
* Don't punish your child physically. Never slap, hit or spank the child at any age. They can't make the association between behavior and physical punishment.
* Set a good example for your child, who will learn good behaviors by watching you.

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