Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Health Tips for February 12

Health Tip: Reduce Stress at Work

Your job can be a great source of stress, which can significantly impact your physical and emotional health.

The AARP offers these suggestions for handling stress on the job:

* Set up regular evaluations and meetings with your manager to establish expectations, goals and discuss your workload.
* Build your prioritization and time management skills, so that you avoid having to always work overtime, or take work home with you. Allow yourself free time away from work to relax and do things you enjoy.
* Take advantage of any flexible work schedules, long lunch breaks and exercise opportunities that your employer offers.
* Don't check email or answer work-related calls at home, unless it can't be avoided.
* Recognize when it's time to look for another job if your current one is causing significant stress and unhappiness.

Health Tip: Baby Teeth Need Attention

Even though baby teeth eventually fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth, they still need proper care.

Here are suggestions to keep baby's teeth healthy, courtesy of the American Academy of Family Physicians:

* It's never too early to start brushing. As soon as the infant's first tooth erupts, start brushing twice a day with a damp washcloth.
* Once your baby is a year old, start brushing teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste (without fluoride) that are designed for babies.
* Make sure your baby sees the dentist by the first birthday. Make sure the child has regular, twice yearly checkups every year.
* Avoid too much juice, which may contain lots of sugar that can lead to decay.
* Don't give your baby a bottle once the infant has reached 1 year of age.

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